Our Core Values

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Pottersland Community

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and should be centrally involved in their child’s experiences and development. Effective communication means there is a two way flow of information, knowledge and expertise between parents and the school.

We know the importance of a happy childhood and encourage a close family atmosphere. Families are involved in the daily life of the school, and their help is appreciated whether it’s on an excursion, a working bee or helping with any of our activities.

We encourage constructive feedback, ideas and suggestions as they help us meet the needs of our primary customers –our learners![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1475230863115{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}” offset=”vc_col-lg-6 vc_col-md-12″][stm_title title=”Our Core Values”][/stm_title][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1574226486702{margin-bottom: 41px !important;}”]As a school community, we remain resolute in our drive to nurture all of our children within the context of a values based curriculum and learning experience. This is fundamental to any curriculum changes we will make over time.

Our curriculum embraces the Character Education® framework. We strongly believe that we have a duty to ensure our children grow up understanding how values shape our lives and how they need to live out these values in order to become fulfilled and responsible global citizens.  It is our faith and belief that give our values, moral substance and our school values have been chosen because of their distinctively Christian nature, although many are shared with those of other faiths.

Through our all-inclusive curriculum, all our children will learn to balance different values, deal with controversial issues and seek ways to live in harmony with others who have different opinions.

These values permeate assemblies together with lessons, but more importantly, everyday life in school.

Our overarching school values are F. I. R. S. T.


  • FAITH : Belief in one God, our creator, enabler and sufficiency
  • INTEGRITY: Doing the right thing even when it hurts, being trustworthy, reliable and setting a standard       for integrity in all things, we stand by our word and take responsibility for our actions.
  • RESPECT: Inclusion, Valuing diversity, facts, showing courtesy and consideration for other.
  • SPRIT OF SERVICE: Being patriotic, giving, actively participating in community service , and conservation of the environment, innovative to make someone’s life easier                             
  • TEAM SPIRIT: Working in partnership with parents, learners and     community to achieve mutual goals. The way we treat each other in achieving our objectives is just as important as what we achieve
